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類型:尚品動態(tài) 了解更多


來源:尚品中國| 類型:網(wǎng)站百科| 時間:2012-07-25
I also had said before, if a certain successful website, adsense must pay a lot of, or mental (technology, gold ideas, marketing etc), or physical (looking for material, acquisition, paste copy, modify, maintenance, etc.), this is the cost. Who don't want to earn money ah, but first you have to look at these capital. We take a look at the capital.

Ideas, also is the strategy. The Internet a lot of myths are to rely on gold idea to create. A British name is alex-figure of creative is a bold students grid, he built a 10 minutes with 1 million of grid web site, a grid of us $100, buyers can you want to put in place the grid any thing, the results the site soon really worth millions. And it is also the founder of Digg Kevin rose, a child in 18 months of $60 million. So the story also many. Visible and know, an idea of how much power is.

Insist, is also the willpower. In a good idea to first go after you can, with sales staff words, victory at the next corner. The founder of the hao123 LiXingPing, in China the era of the Internet bubble obscurity for several hours every day check the legitimacy of the link, for the majority of Internet users to provide navigation service. When you don't know LiXingPing, hao123 has occupied most of the computer's browser domestic home page. Hao123 should be one of the most successful web site, with the most simple HTML to create a myth. Of course in addition to adhere to the outside, still have to see your idea is worth insists. The last year and a group of a friend chat, he says he is in the development the bo, to build the Po. I said there was a need to you, sina tencent you do it, you are the root Onions ah. To now insist on your idea, really has no language.

Resources and network information is in addition to information, no other things. That you have? The common saying say backer has mountain draft relying on water, you some by? For example a few years earlier, download is a hot topic. Some people like the look of the American film, that can't understand couldn't understand what to do, and then translated ah. At this time with a lot of piracy the TV show American movies, achievement a group of people. Now the word translation groups or very hot. In addition to film and television, network of resources is very strange, others demand things if you have, that is resources, you know!

Technology, the site itself is a live, no matter simple or complicated station standing, technology is a support. Website version, increase function, maintaining security and so on all need technical support. Either you understand, or have a understand friend.

Domain name, have a decent domain name or can have good role. For example the potato net domain name tudou. Com, not the first, but toodou. Com, potatoes, nets after becoming famous, tudou. Com value to multiply, and potatoes nets also spent big price bought the domain name. You have a decent domain name? Now this year, four digits of the domain name no matter how you combination is almost registered, so now resides find a domain name than find a daughter-in-law most difficult, so want to site or first find domain name it.

Health, the website's growth is not happen overnight, Rome wasn't built in a day cold. A web site to profit from the establishment of the cycles of time is longer, especially personal webmaster, stay up late, overtime, sedentary, activities, and so on, was less puffed up less health problems will likely with you. Are you ready?

Income, now webmasters cost is low, doesn't spend much money, a dumpster hundreds of dollars could fix. But you have fixed income? If you do a part-time website also can, but if full-time do stand, your job is going to have to think about. After all, your web site to build to earnings still have a long way to go, even if profits can support you yourself?, the home of daily expenses can handle? So, you have to consider.

Planning, should have two, you a life of planning, you want to take your life in the center of gravity of the web site? After all, it may want to occupy one third of; Another is a website is planning, a successful website want to have a good website planning can guide you build website, can reduce you to change the number of web site layout, can reduce your maintenance time, can shorten your from start to earnings of time and so on.

It should still have some, at least is prepared, you can withstand lonely talk a lot of time and energy consumption in the computer? Hero lonely this for each a webmaster. Sneer at 1, article above a few you if not, don't follow join in the fun, the Internet without you not that bit of entertainment news.












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