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來源:尚品中國| 類型:網(wǎng)站百科| 時間:2013-06-20
Key production site is how to find potential customers and effective transformation for clients, mention the effective conversion is to find the customer may not use our products or services, has become the transformation of our customers is the effective conversion, then such a fierce competition in the network era, we should how to develop potential customers and improve our website conversion rate? The key is to improve the website usability.

To website, usability refers to the user can effectively find the required information or complete his task, the efficiency of how and whether to let people have a feeling of satisfaction. If the website usability is poor, would be a waste of time for the user, greatly reduce the site back to visit rate, the construction of marketing type website survival is a crucial problem. Therefore, for web site developers suggestions for improvement and improved usability tool is very necessary.

How to know whether the visitors like your website? Track user behavior can answer this question with the aid of usability testing tool. Tracking the data you can provide accurate information, let you know where your users like site, which area is the most prominent, where users are most easily overlooked. Do not belittle these collected data, because the data can help you improve the site click rate and conversion rate.

改善您的網(wǎng)站不要挑時間,當你發(fā)現(xiàn)你的網(wǎng)站吸引不了多少訪客的時候,就應該立即行動了。 這里收集了很多非常好的工具,通過不同的方法追蹤用戶的行為并提供給你改進網(wǎng)站可用性的建議。它們中有些可能不是免費的,但一個好的回報是值得去付出的。 為大家獵取所需的工具是一件開心又很有意義的事情!
Improve your web site do not pick the time, when you find your site doesn't attract many visitors, we should act immediately. Collected here are a lot of very good tool, tracking the user through different methods of behavior and to provide improved usability advice to you. Some of them may not be free, but a good return is worth to pay. Required for all hunting tool is a happy and meaningful things!


Userfly可以提供免費的網(wǎng)頁訪客動作記錄服務。只需要在網(wǎng)頁中添加一段簡單的Javascript代碼,就可以記錄訪客從打開該網(wǎng)頁到關(guān)閉整個過程中的動作。Userfly能夠記錄的內(nèi)容包括鼠標的移動、點擊以及鍵盤輸入等動作。對于網(wǎng)站擁有者來說,Userfly可以很方便的對用戶行為進行檢測和分析,通過A/B Testing等方法為網(wǎng)站UI/UE提供非常有價值的信息。
Userfly can provide webpage visitors action recording service free of charge. Just need to add a simple Javascript code in a webpage, you can record the visitor from open the webpage to shut down the entire process of action. Userfly can record includes the movement of the mouse and keyboard input, click action. For the website owner, Userfly can be used to detect and analyze user behavior, by A/B Testing methods provide very valuable information for the web site UI/UE.

Attention Wizard

Attention Wizard是一個視覺工具,它可以幫助您提高轉(zhuǎn)換率,輕松地識別目標網(wǎng)頁存在的問題。 Attention Wizard用高級人工智能算法來模擬人類視線的軌跡和聚焦點。Attention Wizard能夠立刻對你提交的網(wǎng)頁樣本進行處理并生成“眼球軌跡熱力圖”。這個“熱力圖”可以預測你網(wǎng)站的訪問者在最初的幾秒內(nèi)是如何瀏覽的。 生成的結(jié)果中,有75%都是通過眼睛跟蹤和鼠標跟蹤來完成的。Attention Wizard有簡易版、高級版和終極版三個版本。
Attention Wizard is a visual tool, it can help you improve your conversion rate, easy to identify the target webpage problems. Attention Wizard using advanced artificial intelligent algorithm to simulate human vision track and focus. Attention Wizard can immediately to your submission webpage samples for processing and generating “ eye tracking heat map ”. This “ heat map ” can predict the visitors of your site in the first few seconds are how to browse. The results, 75% are to be completed by the eye tracking and mouse tracking. Attention Wizard there are simple, premium and ultimate edition three edition.


一個完整的可用性工具包,通過從訪客那里獲取的實時數(shù)據(jù)來改善網(wǎng)站內(nèi)容結(jié)構(gòu),優(yōu)化鏈接和廣告的投放位置,分析和提高網(wǎng)站的粘性。 它將告訴你訪客究竟在何處點擊。
A complete availability toolkit, to improve site content structure through the real-time data acquisition from the visitors there, optimize the links and advertising position, analyze and improve the site sticky. It will tell you exactly where to click.

After registration, put a piece of Javascript code websites provide added to your website, when users visit web site, a small additional file will automatically download for the transmission of the user's click event. The product offers a free trial, can pay to upgrade to premium versions.


它是對你的網(wǎng)站訪客瀏覽行為進行分析的一個工具,以類似視頻的方式將訪問者在你的網(wǎng)站上進行的操作全部記錄下來,你可以在線觀看也可以下載到電腦上。利用ClickTale的訪客行為視頻記錄,可以幫你更好的布局你的網(wǎng)頁,給訪問者帶來更好的用戶體驗進而提升轉(zhuǎn)化率。 它還提供了實時監(jiān)控的性能分析,轉(zhuǎn)化分析,鏈接分析,先進的過濾和市場分析。
It is a tool for your site visitors browsing behavior were analyzed in a similar way, video will visitors on your site operation are recorded, you can watch online can be downloaded to a computer. The visitor behavior video recording ClickTale webpage, you can help you better layout, give your visitors bring better user experience and improve the conversion rate. It also provides analysis, transformation and analysis, link analysis performance of real-time monitoring, filtering and market analysis of advanced.


Clixpy幾乎記錄了訪客的所有動作,如鼠標移動,點擊,滾動和表單輸入。 這些動作對于定位用戶發(fā)現(xiàn)容易或者困難內(nèi)容,那些東西最吸引他們以及為什么用戶會離開網(wǎng)站有很大的幫助。這有助于優(yōu)化目標網(wǎng)頁,并幫助您把訪問者轉(zhuǎn)化為客戶。
Clixpy recorded almost all action visitors, such as the mouse, click, scroll and the form input. The action for the location of the user finds it easy or difficult content, those things they attract the most and why users will leave the website has very great help. This helps to optimize the target webpage, and help your visitors into customers.


Chalkmark allows you to quickly create a project, the visitor to interface prototypes were investigated to understand the user's focus of attention in which, thermography can view each task results, and know how many users to skip the task. You can register for free, monthly or annual fee can not limit the number of levels to task.


是GPL許可下的開源軟件,是一個很強大的JavaScript 庫,它可以幫你統(tǒng)計一個頁面上用戶點擊的熱度分布圖,支持中文顯示。
Is open source under the GPL license software, is a very powerful JavaScript library, it can help you statistics on a page the user clicks on the heat distribution, support Chinese display.


Click CrazyEgg to monitor all of a page and can display the page click the image clear, can monitor all pages are fairly accurate click position.


Through video recording and analysis of user click and scroll behavior, formation of mouse clicks and moving image, help you optimize the target page and improve the conversion rate.

4Q Online Survey

用戶是否對網(wǎng)站真正的滿意? 第四季的網(wǎng)上調(diào)查,一個免費的解決方案,可以告訴你關(guān)于你網(wǎng)站的訪問者的詳細信息,例如用戶為什么訪問你的網(wǎng)站,是否以正確的操作方式完成任務,如果不是,會是原因是什么阻礙了他們。 這項調(diào)查可以在用戶中收集到大量的反饋。
If the user of the site really satisfied? Online survey in the fourth quarter, a free solution, can tell you details about your site visitors, such as why the user visits your site, whether the completion of tasks in the correct mode of operation, if not, would be what is hindering their. The findings in the user to collect a large number of feedback.

Concept Feedback

Concept Feedback通過在線的專業(yè)團隊快速的對網(wǎng)站設(shè)計,可用性和營銷等方面提供反饋。320度社區(qū) kvesi對于公開的意見,團隊中WEB方面的專業(yè)人員會給你一個整體的意見, 對于私密反饋,你可以邀請?zhí)囟▽<姨峁┓答?,并組織出圖形化的結(jié)果。 專業(yè)的反饋來自于在設(shè)計,可用性和營銷領(lǐng)域的專家。
Concept Feedback through online professional team quickly on the website design, provide feedback, usability and marketing etc.. 320 community kvesi for public opinion, the team of WEB professionals will give you an overall opinion, for private feedback, you can invite the experts provide feedback, and organize the graphical results. Professional feedback from experts in the design, usability and marketing.


You can submit your web site to get a quick usability testing and 10 feedback. However, to pay $15 to do not, if you want to get the 50 feedback requires $55.

Feng GUI

Feng GUI通過模擬人的視覺在開始的5秒內(nèi)看到的東西來生成熱點圖,它為設(shè)計和開發(fā)人員提供了測試服務,通過分析觀察角度、品牌效益和預測效果。
Feng GUI simulation of human vision seen in the first 5 seconds of things to generate heat map, it provides testing services for design and development, through the analysis of point of view, the brand benefit and the forecast effect.

Five Second Test

Through collecting user in 5 seconds to answer the questions set to improve target webpage to allow visitors to focus on key content.

Google Site Search

在Google Site Search中,強化了企業(yè)網(wǎng)站的索引范圍;一個托管的搜索解決方案,可以呈現(xiàn)無廣告的搜索結(jié)果,提高網(wǎng)站的轉(zhuǎn)化率和銷售額,降低成本。
In the Google Site Search, enhanced the index range of enterprise website; a hosting search solution, can be rendered without advertising search results, to improve site conversion rate and sales, reduce costs.


Kampyle allows you to have an online sending feedback information button on your website, click this button to pop up the questionnaire, so that visitors can feedback information. Kampyle provides a feedback form template, you need only simple modifications, Kampyle also provides feedback statistical feature rich.

Loop 11

使用Loop 11可以很容易的創(chuàng)建一個專業(yè)的可用性測試,收集反饋并及時的得到可用性的量化數(shù)據(jù),然后立即看到結(jié)果。 支持超過40種語言。
The use of Loop 11 can easily create a professional usability testing, collect feedback and timely data availability, then immediately see the results. Support for over 40 languages.


OpenHallway records the user in the availability of data remote or local. The user's screen and voice will be recorded and uploaded to your account.


One for the designers and developers to capture screen activity to conduct usability testing software, can record the test look and sound, a batch export function and can identify any note moment.

Site Tuners

It guides you understand the conversion exists in the target webpage rate during the question and answer your specific conversion related problems. By optimizing the target webpage quickly and easily get the best conversion rate.


TechSmith is the world's leading for personal and professional fields to provide a screen capture and recording software suppliers. People use TechSmith products generally capture content from their computer screen. Morae is used to understand a good software for your customers. One of the benefits of using Morae, it will automatically calculate and give the results and satisfaction, not just the analysis and reporting.


Usabilla help site owners more in-depth understanding of their customers, not just data. Collect the relevant webpage, physical model, visual feedback wire frame or any image.

User Testing

UserTesting observation of user activity in their environment, to listen to them, and then form a conclusion.


Is a usability testing tools for remote, test site, the Web application or prototype in the natural environment in the operational indicators, through the questionnaire captures the user's thought.


Optimization of key lies in finding the market potential and accurate delivery of content. The world thousands of websites intelligent enterprise, including more than half of the wealth and the global top 500 enterprises, rely on WebTrends to improve their site conversion rate, optimize the marketing effect of their, in order to obtain a higher return on investment. As a global web analytics industry leader, WebTrends with its multiple access to professional experience of industry awards, comprehensive consulting service and incomparable, and becomes a standard Web analysis of the industry's most authoritative. Through its provide on-demand service and all kinds of software products, WebTrends helps users obtain accurate, which can be executed in Web data analysis.

Website Optimiser

Website optimization tool is Google free web site testing and optimization tools. Using this tool, without putting any fees can increase the value and click the existing web site. Through the use of the web site optimization tools on the site content and design of testing and optimization, no matter you are marketing novice or expert, can quickly and easily to increase income and the rate of return on investment. Can A/B experiment and versions of experiment two experiment.












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